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  • LIBERON Iron Paste 250ml

    LIBERON Iron Paste 250ml

    LIBERON Iron Paste 250ml

    Liberon Iron Paste is a black graphite paste producing a silver/black look to decorative cast and wrought ironwork in the home. It…
    £14.57  Per EACH
  • RUSTINS Clear Lacquer Metal Int/ext 125ml

    RUSTINS Clear Lacquer Metal Int/ext 125ml

    RUSTINS Clear Lacquer Metal Int/ext 125ml

    Rustins Metal Lacquer - clear lacquer that leaves a film that does not yellow or craze on ageing. Has excellent adhesion on chrome…
    £4.39  Per EACH
  • RUSTINS RUSC250 Rust Converter 250ml

    RUSTINS RUSC250 Rust Converter 250ml

    RUSTINS RUSC250 Rust Converter 250ml

    Rust ConverterA water based treatment which neutralises rust. It stabilises the surface and forms a protective coating once dry. I…
    £10.88  Per EACH
  • RUSTINS Rust Remover 125ml

    RUSTINS Rust Remover 125ml

    RUSTINS Rust Remover 125ml

    Rustins Rust Remover removes surface rust from mild steel and iron products. Ideal for use on garden gates, bicycles, cars and all…
    £3.52  Per EACH