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  •  Sugar Soap Liquid 500ml

    Sugar Soap Liquid 500ml

    Sugar Soap Liquid 500ml

    A concentrated solution which when diluted with water effectively removes grease, grime and nicotine from painted surfaces to ensu…
    £2.24  Per EACH
  • FIDDES Floor Surface Cleaner 1.0l

    FIDDES Floor Surface Cleaner 1.0l

    FIDDES Floor Surface Cleaner 1.0l

    Non abrasive rinse free formulation, Fiddes Floor Surface Cleaner is suitable for application on to all types of pre-finished wood…
    £10.22  Per EACH
  • Out of stock
    KILROCK Mould Remover Spray 500ml

    KILROCK Mould Remover Spray 500ml

    KILROCK Mould Remover Spray 500ml

    Kilrock Mould Remover Spray eliminates mould and mildew. Its professional formula has a bleaching action. Ideal for all interior s…
    £5.66  Per EACH
  • LIBERON Burnishing Cream 250ml

    LIBERON Burnishing Cream 250ml

    LIBERON Burnishing Cream 250ml

    Liberon Burnishing Cream is designed to clean, revive and rejuvenate highly polished surfaces such as French Polish, lacquers and …
    £12.65  Per EACH
  • In-Store Only
    RUSTINS CAUS500 Caustic Soda Granules 500g

    RUSTINS CAUS500 Caustic Soda Granules 500g

    RUSTINS CAUS500 Caustic Soda Granules 500g

    Caustic Soda GranulesA heavy duty cleaner which unblocks drains, sinks, plugholes, pipes and other areas required for unblocking w…
    £6.42  Per EACH
  • RUSTINS Methylated Spirit 250ml

    RUSTINS Methylated Spirit 250ml

    RUSTINS Methylated Spirit 250ml

    METHYLATED SPIRITS - Used for thinning french polishes and shellac varnishes, for use in spirit burning heaters, stoves and for li…
    £3.52  Per EACH
  • RUSTINS Methylated Spirit 500ml

    RUSTINS Methylated Spirit 500ml

    RUSTINS Methylated Spirit 500ml

    METHYLATED SPIRITS - Used for thinning french polishes and shellac varnishes, for use in spirit burning heaters, stoves and for li…
    £4.84  Per EACH